

专为学习成绩优异的上进心学生设计, 学院荣誉课程提供个性化学习的机会, 特殊通识教育课程, 以及其他独特的智力和社会活动.


  • 有资格获得择优奖学金
  • May elect to reside in “quiet suites” set aside for honors students (must meet the College's deadline for guaranteed housing; enrollment deposit postmarked by May 1)
  • 可以参加任何专业的荣誉课程,可以随时退出而不受处罚


为什么要拿荣誉? 这是一个学生和家长问过我很多次的问题. My first response is to assure you that 通识教育 Honors at Rhode Island College is based on quality, 而不是数量. The amount of work required in honors classes is comparable to the requirements for non-honors general education classes. What differs is the opportunity to participate with other bright and motivated students in small classes taught by some of the finest professors at the College. 除了, honors classes provide an opportunity to discuss and analyze subject matter in more depth and with more individualized attention.

我对这个问题的第二个回答是显而易见的. 参加学院荣誉课程有实际的回报. 它可以帮助你在找工作或在你选择的研究生院竞争一席之地的时候. 我们有一个令人羡慕的记录,在一些全国最好的研究生课程的荣誉学生. 对于那些选择在自己的专业上做高级荣誉项目的学生来说,情况尤其如此. Many students and parents have come to the conclusion that it makes both academic and economic sense to participate in an honors curriculum at a less expensive undergraduate college and thus to save money for graduate school.

最终, 然而, I think the most important reason to consider joining the honors program is the desire to extend yourself intellectually, 想象, 和个人. We can help you do that in a supportive yet challenging academic atmosphere in which you will interact with committed full-time faculty and, 同样重要的是, 与其他学生分享你的学术能力和兴趣.




新生申请通识教育荣誉课程不需要正式申请, although they should indicate their interest by checking the appropriate box on the Rhode Island College application form. Continuing students and those interested in the 大三 Honors Colloquium and Seminar should contact the director of honors.

Students interested in Departmental Honors should apply to the honors committees in their respective departments no later than the beginning of the semester before the senior year.

Students in Education who will be student teaching in the eighth semester should apply in the fifth semester and do their departmental honors projects in semesters six and seven.

我们诚挚地邀请您来参观. 满足 荣誉主任; talk with 招生 工作人员; 参观校园; attend an honors class; and meet with current honors students.




I. 通识教育荣誉课程

所有esball官方网的学生都必须完成通识教育课程, 一系列的写作课程, 文学, 历史, 社会科学和行为科学, 自然科学, 数学, 还有艺术. 大多数通识教育课程在前两年进行.

Students in the 通识教育 荣誉项目 must take at least five of their required 通识教育 courses in specially designed honors classes, 包括“核心”一年级写作, 第一年研讨会, 及衔接课程. 其他荣誉课程将从区域分配课程中选择.  It is highly recommended for freshman (required for honors scholarship recipients) to also register for the Honors 150* 课程,“荣誉体验”.强调课堂的积极参与和师生的密切互动, 荣誉班的规模很小, 通常是12到15个学生, 并以讨论而不是讲座的形式进行.  荣誉课通常采用创新的教学方法. 

除了完成至少五门荣誉通识教育*课程, 学生的总平均成绩必须保持在3分.(每学期复习一次)以通识教育荣誉毕业.  未能保持3.平均绩点为0的学生可能会立即失去荣誉奖学金. 

II. 三年级荣誉研讨会课程

三年级荣誉讨论会(荣誉351*)帮助学生准备承担部门荣誉项目. 这是一门两学分的课程,分为学分/无学分,可以修两次. 本课程面向成绩达到3分的继续和转学生开放.0的绩点. It is also open both to students who have and to those who have not participated in 通识教育 Honors.

3. 高级项目(部门荣誉项目)

院系荣誉课程为学生提供独立研究的机会, 至关重要的, 或由学生选择的教授指导的关于学生选择的主题的创造性项目. 这些项目通常在大四完成, 虽然他们可能会更早开始, 通常在两个学期内完成至少6个学分的独立学习.

荣誉学生进行了实验室实验. 他们撰写了文学和社会科学方面的评论和研究论文. 他们创作并表演了音乐作品, 制作视频, 他们还研究和设计了中小学教育的教学法.




  • 第一年研讨会(荣誉)-通常是秋季
  • 第一年写作(荣誉)-如果你获得了AP或EEP学分, 你需要从区域分布要求中选择一门额外的荣誉课程. 大部分在秋天,一些在春天
  • 荣誉经历(HON 150*)
  • 至少有一门区域分销要求的荣誉课程


  • 至少有一门区域分销要求的荣誉课程 to finish your total of at least 5 通识教育 Honors courses. 通常秋天.
  • 荣誉联系课程(完成45个学分后,通常在大二春季开始)


  • 青少年荣誉讲座(HON 351*)
  • 完成区域分配要求**,如果还没有完成的话


  • 高级荣誉项目独立学习


**例外情况必须得到批准. 未能达到年度标准可能导致失去奖学金.


通识教育荣誉课程的学生至少修五门必修的通识教育课程, 通常包括荣誉100分(第一年研讨会), 第一年写作100小时, 以及大三人脉课程, 在特别设计的荣誉区. 强调课堂积极参与和师生密切互动, 部分保持小, 通常是12到15个学生, 并以讨论而不是讲座的形式进行. 荣誉课通常采用创新的教学方法.


每年学院都会向即将入学的新生和学生颁发一些基于成绩的学术奖学金, 在某些情况下, 已经注册通识教育荣誉课程的学生. 大多数奖学金最多可续期八个学期, 自学生在学院注册之日起, 前提是学生保持3.平均绩点0, 仍然是全日制学生, 并在完成通识教育荣誉方面取得令人满意的进展.

除了, 约翰·纳扎里安荣誉奖学金颁发给优秀的新生和埃莉诺·M. McMahon Honors Scholarships are given to an outstanding rising junior and an outstanding graduating senior, 分别.

Matriculated students in the 通识教育 荣誉项目 who did not receive honors scholarships as incoming freshmen may apply to the 荣誉主任 in April for scholarships for the following academic year. 这样的奖学金将被授予, 如果资金充足的话, on the basis of overall grade point average; progress toward completion of the honors program; and length of matriculation at the college. 申请的最低要求是3分.累积绩点25. 主任将于四月发出申请通知.



关于这个过程的任何问题都可以寄给丽贝卡·斯帕克斯,荣誉主任 rsparks@taxidalat24h.net.

I. 项目准备工作

在理想的情况下, 项目开始前一个学期, the student should find an advisor of his/her choice and work out a project topic and a plan for completion.  这取决于部门, 学生可能有一个或多或少正式的部门初步批准.  The 荣誉项目 offers a course each spring for any student seeking extra guidance in the formulation of his/her project.  欢迎有兴趣参加的同学报名.

II. 参与项目
  • 根据学生项目的需要注册独立(或定向)学习.  大多数学生注册至少6个学分,分布在两个学期.  (通常是秋季3个学分,春季3个学分.)   
  • 请通知丽贝卡的火花工作标题、指导老师和预计完成日期.  还要包括你打算毕业的日期.  (请使用 在线表单 通知荣誉主任.)
  • 考虑申请 资金 来自安妮 and Bob De Stefano本科研究基金. Information may be found the honors website by following the ‘departmental honors’ link at the left side of the page. 
3. 在项目完成期间和接近完成时


  • 四月的海报/报告环节

完成部门荣誉程序, we ask that students display their work to the college community as part of the year-end Convocation of Scholars festivities. This display takes the form of a poster session meant to recognize those students who have successfully completed honors projects in their respective majors and to share their accomplishments with the college community. 不客气, 事实上鼓励, 邀请朋友和家人, 还有你的项目顾问, 到海报环节. 我们也希望你们各自院系的许多教员都能参加.

  • 毕业典礼期间的荣誉晚宴.

Students who have successfully completed an honors project are invited to bring their faculty mentors and guests to celebrate their accomplishments. 学生们还将获得在毕业典礼上佩戴的荣誉绳.

当最终项目完成并通过部门批准时, 应作出以下通知:

  • Inform the Records Office that the student has completed “Honors in (appropriate department)” and should have that designation on the student transcript.
  • Inform the director of honors (丽贝卡的火花) that the student’s final project has been approved with the associated title.
  • 学生应与图书馆合作,在图书馆存档他/她的项目. 关于如何完成提交的信息可以在荣誉网站上找到.


如果你今年有学生完成论文或荣誉项目, 请鼓励他们以电子方式向亚当斯图书馆提交他们的作品. 图书馆不再接受印刷版论文的装订. 而不是, electronic student theses and honors projects are maintained and archived in the DigitalCommons@RIC institutional repository, 如果需要,可以使用以下选项来限制访问:

  • 学生可以选择让他们的论文或荣誉项目对公众开放, 或者限制进入RIC校园和RIC社区. This gives students the ability to restrict access in a way that is analogous to print-only access through the library. 
  • 在他们导师的同意下, students also have the option to 的地方 an embargo on their work to prevent all online access for a certain period of time. 例如,如果他们计划在其他地方发表研究结果,这是很常见的. 
  • 这里有 指令 为数字提交的论文,学位论文和荣誉项目. 

关于学生奖学金的提交和存档的任何问题,请发送电子邮件 安德鲁•戴维斯,数码计划协调员. 

